Wednesday, January 1, 2014


hello, and thanks for checking out my blog!

i would just like to clarify...

this blog is a personal expression of my own interpretation of an associate-driven program that is supported by Walmart Canada. the views, opinions and advice expressed within this blog [and any of my writings linked to it] are mine, and not those of Walmart, Walmart Canada or any affiliated parties or individuals. if you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact me personally or leave a comment on this blog. also, these writings are reflections of my own personal experiences and are not intended to be interpreted as health advice or counseling. please do not make any changes that may affect your health without first speaking to your family doctor, especially if you are taking medications or have a health problem that requires constant monitoring for sudden change. that being said, please enjoy the following posts and linked resources at your own risk... :)

thanks again for reading!
