Friday, April 11, 2014

Be the Change

what does it mean to "be the change"? be the change can be translated quite simply to: what ever change you would like to see in the world around you, you must first live it to make it so.

tips on how to "Be the Change":

begin.. at the beginning.

the point here is, find something you are passionate about that makes for a better, more sustainable lifestyle, and find ways to live it one small change at a time. it could be something as simple as switching to filtered water and discovering how much less plastic you can use in a year's time. seek communities or support groups [online counts!] that have similar interests and passions to find and share ideas and resources. then bring it home... when others around you start to notice positive changes, some will naturally be inspired to enjoy the benefits, and may ask you questions and do research of their own. spark a conversation, be the change! inspire others with action.

do what you can, where you are with what you have available. let's just say, the change you wanted to see in your area is more sustainable farming practices or naturally grown food. might seem like a daunting task all at once, so what could we do at home to take action? planting a food garden in your yard or patio is a good start. find books and resources on how to apply sustainable gardening practices such as permaculture, which can be applied to gardening or farming at any scale. having a sustainable, abundant and edible garden that also looks nice could appeal to neighbours and passers-by and catch on locally. if you and your neighbours coordinate land use, each can specialize in certain crops based on what grows well on their plot, and trade the bounty with one another. if you can't grow where you are, buy from others who can. support local farmers, CSA programs, or try to get what you can from farm markets. talk to the people who grow and raise your food!

perhaps you wish to see a decline in disease and heart related illness. learn for yourself about how the body works, and what we need to do to maintain optimal health and well-being. diet is a big factor, but not the only one. exercise, relaxation and managing stress are also important. not to mention proper sleep! but everyone is different. i began taking the time to listen to my body, while doing my research, and learning for myself what makes me feel unwell in the first place. with this knowledge i've found what things i have been eating or doing that have been unknowingly causing a lot of pain and weight gain for quite some time. my challenge now is to change my habits one by one with a goal of a total lifestyle change. it's catching on at work, other people have seen a positive change in me, which has inspired them to start doing better for themselves. how exciting to know a positive change for yourself can help others!

  • switch from bottled water to filtered water
  • use re-useable containers, and pack a lunch instead of buying one.
  • incorporate edible and locally native plants into your landscaping.
  • compost your kitchen scraps to improve the quality of your soil at home.
  • start a skill-share group in your neighbourhood.
  • make friends with a librarian! libraries are great resources for information on many topics of sustainability.
  • challenge yourself and others to make healthy lifestyle changes

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